Os 100 Verbos Mais Comuns da Língua Inglesa
Os Verbos formam a base da comunicação. Começando por eles, você já adquire vantagem.
Os Verbos são a espinha dorsal de qualquer idioma. São eles que expressam as ações, estados, ou fenômenos da natureza – conforme decoramos no colégio!
Aqui você encontrará os 100 verbos mais comuns da língua inglesa, divididos em
grupos de 10.
Cada verbo vem acompanhado de sua respectiva tradução – e uma
frase-modelo. Os verbos irregulares estão destacados em itálico.
Inglês Português Exemplo
01 arrive – arrived chegar What time did you arrive there?
02 ask – asked pedir, perguntar Why don’t you ask your father?
03 be – was / were ser, estar I want to be your friend.
04 begin – began começar, iniciar When did it all begin?
05 break – broke quebrar Don’t break my heart.
06 bring – brought trazer Can you please bring me a glass?
07 buy – bought comprar Where did you buy your car?
08 call – called chamar, telefonar Call me later, please.
09 can – could poder Can I help you?
10 choose – chose escolher Choose the right.
Inglês Português Exemplo
11 clean – cleaned limpar It’s not very clean.
12 close – closed fechar Close the door, please.
13 come – came vir Could you come earlier?
14 cook – cooked cozinhar Do you know how to cook?
15 cry – cried chorar, gritar Why was she crying again?
16 cut – cut cortar How did he cut his hand?
17 dance – danced dançar Do you know how to dance?
18 date – dated namorar Are you dating him?
19 depend – (ed) depender Do you depend on your parents?
20 die – died morrer When did your grandfather die?
Inglês Português Exemplo
21 do – did fazer What do you do?
22 dream–dreamed sonhar Did you sleep well?
23 drink – drank tomar, beber Do you drink beer?
24 drive – drove dirigir Do you know how to drive?
25 eat – ate comer Let’s eat!
26 fall – fell cair How could he fall?
27 feel – felt sentir Are you feeling better now?
28 find – found achar, encontrar I need to find a better job!
29 finish – finished acabar, terminar Let’s finish it now?
30 fly – flew voar She is always flying.
Inglês Português Exemplo
31 follow – followed seguir Follow me as I follow Him.
32 forget – forgot esquecer I will never forget that morning...
33 get – got conseguir, obter Is he getting fat again?
34 get up – got up levantar What time do you usually get up?
35 give – gave dar, doar Give me your hand.
36 go – went ir Where do you want to go tonight?
37 grow – grew crescer, cultivar Everybody needs to grow.
38 have – had ter Once I had a dream.
39 hear – heard escutar, ouvir Can you hear me?
40 help – helped ajudar, socorrer Help me, please!
Inglês Português Exemplo
41 hope – hoped esperar I hope you get this job.
42 jump – jumped pular, saltar Let’s jump together!
43 keep – kept guardar, manter Keep the change.
44 kiss – kissed beijar Let’s just kiss and say goodbye.
45 know – knew conhecer, saber Did you know my father?
46 learn – learned aprender I want to learn Portuguese!
47 leave – left sair, deixar, partir Don’t leave me alone!
48 lend – lent emprestar Can you lend me some money?
49 let – let deixar, permitir Let me try again.
50 like – liked gostar Do you like your work?
Inglês Português Exemplo
51 listen – listened ouvir, escutar Are you listening to me?
52 live – lived gostar Where do you live?
53 look – looked olhar, ver Look at me now.
54 lose – lost perder I lost my wallet yesterday.
55 love – loved amar I love you.
56 make – made fazer I can’t make it all alone...
57 marry – married casar When did you get married?
58 meet – met encontrar, conhecer Nice to meet you.
59 miss – missed perder, sentir falta Why did you miss the last class?
60 need – needed precisar Call me if you need some help.
Inglês Português Exemplo
61 open – opened abrir What time does it open?
62 pay – paid pagar Who is going to pay for it?
63 play – played jogar, tocar Let’s play this afternoon again?
64 prefer – (ed) preferir I prefer to live on my own.
65 put – put pôr, colocar Put your hand in the hand of God.
66 read – read ler Do you like to read?
67 receive – (ed) receber How much did you receive?
68 remember (ed) lembrar I can’t remember his last name...
69 run – ran correr Let’s run away!
70 say – said dizer What did you say?
Inglês Português Exemplo
71 see – saw ver I can’t see you anymore...
72 sell – sold vender Do you want to sell your house?
73 send – sent mandar, enviar Send her flowers!
74 sing – sang cantar, cantarolar Do you sing in the bathroom?
75 sit – sat sentar (se) Sit down, please.
76 sleep – slept dormir Did you sleep well last night?
77 speak – spoke falar Do you speak English?
78 spell – spelt soletrar How do you spell your name?
79 spend – spent gastar, despender How much can you spend?
80 start – started começar, iniciar What time did the show start?
Inglês Português Exemplo
81 stay – stayed ficar
82 stop – stopped parar Why didn’t you stop them?
83 study – studied estudar When did you study there?
84 take – took pegar, levar Let’s take the next bus!
85 talk – talked falar, conversar I don’t want to talk about it.
86 tell – told contar, dizer Why don’t you tell your mother?
87 there is – are haver, existir, ter There is a place for everyone...
88 think – thought pensar, achar What do you think about it?
89 travel – traveled viajar Did you travel last year?
90 turn – turned virar Turn right, please.
Inglês Português Exemplo
91 understand – ood entender I don’t understand your father.
92 visit – visited visitar Would you like to visit her today?
93 wait – waited esperar Wait a moment, please.
94 wake up - woke up acordar, despertar What time did you wake up?
95 walk – walked andar, caminhar You need to walk daily.
96 want – wanted querer I don’t want it anymore.
97 wash – washed lavar Wash your hands before eating.
98 watch – watched assistir Did you watch TV last night?
99 work – worked trabalhar, funcionar Are you working there yet?
100 write – wrote escrever Do you prefer to write or to read?
domingo, 28 de setembro de 2014
sexta-feira, 12 de setembro de 2014
Parts of the body
Parts of the Body
abdomen (ábdomen) - ventre
ankle (ánkl) - tornozelo
appendix (apéndix) - apêndice
arm (áarm) - braço
armpit (áarmpit) - axila
artery (árteri) - artéria
back (bák) - costas
beard (bíerd) - barba
artery (árteri) - artéria
back (bák) - costas
beard (bíerd) - barba
belly (béli) - barriga
Body- corpo
blood (bláad) - sangue
bones (bóuns) - ossos
Body- corpo
blood (bláad) - sangue
bones (bóuns) - ossos
bottom (bótom) - traseiro
bowels (báuels) - entranhas
brain (bréin) - cérebro
breasts (brésts) - mamas
bowels (báuels) - entranhas
brain (bréin) - cérebro
breasts (brésts) - mamas
bust (bást) - busto
buttocks (bátoks) - nádegas
calf (káaf) - panturrilha
cheekbones (chíikbóuns) - zigoma
buttocks (bátoks) - nádegas
calf (káaf) - panturrilha
cheekbones (chíikbóuns) - zigoma
cheeks (chíiks) - bochechas
chest (chést) - peito
chin (chín) - queixo
ears (íars) - orelhas
chest (chést) - peito
chin (chín) - queixo
ears (íars) - orelhas
elbow (élbou) - cotovelo
eyebrows (áibráus) - sobrancelhas
eyelashes (áiláshis) - cílios
eyelids (áilids) - pálpebra
eyebrows (áibráus) - sobrancelhas
eyelashes (áiláshis) - cílios
eyelids (áilids) - pálpebra
eyes (áis) - olho
face (féis) - cara, rosto
feet (fíit) - pés
fingers (fínguers) - dedos
face (féis) - cara, rosto
feet (fíit) - pés
fingers (fínguers) - dedos
fist (fist) - punho
flesh (flesh) - carne
foot (fút) - pé
forearm (fóorárm) - antebraço
flesh (flesh) - carne
foot (fút) - pé
forearm (fóorárm) - antebraço
forehead (fór hed) - testa
hair (héer) - cabelo
hand (hánd) - mão
hair (héer) - cabelo
hand (hánd) - mão
head (héd) - cabeça
heart (hárt) - coração
heel (híil) - calcanhar
hips (hips) - quadril
heart (hárt) - coração
heel (híil) - calcanhar
hips (hips) - quadril
jaw (dchó) - mandíbula
kidneys (kídnis) - rins
kidneys (kídnis) - rins
knee (níi) - joelho
knuckles (nákls) - juntas
leg (leg) - pernas
limbs (limbs) - membros
knuckles (nákls) - juntas
leg (leg) - pernas
limbs (limbs) - membros
lips (lips) - lábios
liver (líver) - fígado
lungs (lángs) - pulmões
moustache (mostásh) - bigode
liver (líver) - fígado
lungs (lángs) - pulmões
moustache (mostásh) - bigode
mouth (máuz) - boca
muscles (másls) - músculos
nails (néils) - unhas
nape (néip) - nuca
muscles (másls) - músculos
nails (néils) - unhas
nape (néip) - nuca
navel (néivl) - umbigo
neck (nék) - pescoço
organs (órgans) - órgãos
neck (nék) - pescoço
organs (órgans) - órgãos
palm (páam) - palma da mão
pancreas (pánkrias) - pâncreasrib (rib) - costela
pancreas (pánkrias) - pâncreasrib (rib) - costela
shin (shín) - canela
shoulder (shóulder) - ombro
sideburns (sáidbérns) - costeletas
shoulder (shóulder) - ombro
sideburns (sáidbérns) - costeletas
skeleton (skéleton) - esqueleto
skin (skin) - pele
skull (skál) - crânio
sole (sóul) - sola do pé
skin (skin) - pele
skull (skál) - crânio
sole (sóul) - sola do pé
spine (spáin) - coluna vertebral
stomach (stómak) - estômago
teeth (tíiz) - dentes
temples (témpls) - têmpora
stomach (stómak) - estômago
teeth (tíiz) - dentes
temples (témpls) - têmpora
thigh (zái) - coxa
thorax (zórax) - tórax
throat (zróut) - garganta
toes (tóus) - dedos (do pé)
thorax (zórax) - tórax
throat (zróut) - garganta
toes (tóus) - dedos (do pé)
tongue (tóng) - língua
tooth (túuz) - dente
tooth (túuz) - dente
vein (véin) - veia
waist (uéist) - cintura
wrinkles (rínkls) - rugas
waist (uéist) - cintura
wrinkles (rínkls) - rugas
Simple Present
Presente do Indicativo (Simple Present or Present Simple)
O Simple Present é o equivalente, na língua inglesa, ao Presente do Indicativo, na língua portuguesa.
Com os Pronomes Pessoais I, You, We e They, o Presente Simples se forma com o verbo no infinitvo sem TO. Já com os Pronomes PessoaisHe, She e It, o Presente Simples é formado com o verbo no infinitivo semTO e ao verbo é acrescentado a letra -s no fim. Observe a tabela abaixo:
I | work |
You | work |
He | works |
She | works |
It | works |
We | work |
You | work |
They | work |
I go to the gym every day. (Vou à academia todos os dias.)
She never watches tv. (Ela nunca assiste tv.)
He usually leaves the job at 6:00 p.m.
(Geralmente ele sai do trabalho às seis da tarde.) |
It usually snows here in January. (Geralmente neva aqui em Janeiro.)
They never go to the beach. (Eles nunca vão à praia.)
O Simple Present é usado para expressar:
1. Fatos e situações atuais:
Anthony lives in New York. (Antônio mora em Nova Iorque.)
My wife works in a hospital as a nurse. (Minha esposa trabalha como enfermeira em um hospital.)
Classes start at 8:00 a.m. (As aulas começam às oito da manhã.)
Banks open at 10:00 a.m. (Os bancos abrem às dez da manhã.)
2. Hábitos: Geralmente são empregados com advérbios de tempo como:always, often, usually, rarely, frequently, sometimes, never, every day, on weekends, on Tuesdays, etc.
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